In this modern remake of the classic Broadway show “Annie”, Annie is portrayed as an African-American tween hopelessly lost within the New York City foster-care system but smart, tough, and bright enough to survive the fast-paced New York City streets. Forced to stay with her mean foster mom, Miss Colleen Hannigan, Annie somehow manages to tough it out in Harlem until one day she accidentally and literally runs into wealthy billionaire and NYC mayoral candidate Will Stacks. Saving her from almost being hit by a car (while simultaneously being videotaped by an unknown passerby) Stacks and his political team decide to use the life-saving incident to boost his polls for the upcoming NYC election. Taking Annie into his penthouse home, Stacks begins to fall “head-over-heels” for the adorable little Annie. Meanwhile, Annie only has one hope and that is for her parents to someday return and rescue her from the foster care program.—DeAlan Wilson on ComedyE
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