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The movie opens with a hungover Josh being woken up by Rory. Rory tells Josh he shouldn’t have proposed to his sister, Tina. Rory gives Josh his grandmother’s hangover drink. Rory says Tina is at the beach, and that she has something for him. Josh sees Tina bending down and picking something up. She turns around and shows him a seahorse. An old man is shown swimming, and Rory who is on his lifeguard board is also shown. A shark is then shown, Josh then a lifeguard on the watch tower sees the old man get eaten by a shark but Rory can’t here this. Josh runs to a jet ski and goes to get him, but as he tells Rory; a shark bursts through his board and sends him flying into the water. Josh goes to grab Rory and tries to get him up onto the jet ski, but the shark pulls him under and Rory is devoured. You see Rory’s body floating in the water which is then pulled away. You then see Tina sitting on the beach in shock.A year later, Josh is watching TV alone at his house. On TV, it states a shark migration is on. Josh gets up and goes to make coffee; he turns and sees a newspaper article about Rory’s death. He then leaves the house, walks to the supermarket he works at. When he gets to the Supermarket, we see 2 people in a car (Doyle and Kirby) discussing a robbery. They drive into the parking lot where Kyle and Heather stop. Heather asks why they stopped there. Kyle grabs her phone, types something , shows her and she says he’s bad. Kyle grabs her dog and puts him in the back seat as they start making out. We next see Jaime, who begins to shoplift; she gets chased by a security guard but she hides in the delivery room where she meets her boyfriend Ryan. Ryan says happy anniversary and gives her an iPod which has a playlist. Jaime pulls out sun glasses and gives them to him. Ryan knows she stole them, he tells her to put them back and Ryans boss Pessup walks in with the security guard. Pessup tells her he has called the police and fires Ryan.We next see Josh and Naomi stacking shelves. Josh turns his head and sees Tina with her new boyfriend Steven. As she’s about to engage in a conversation with him Steven walks in and tells Josh to go clean himself up. Steven meets the cop he called who is really Jaime’s dad Todd. Jaime sees him and says “Oh Shit”. We see Heather and Kyle making out and then his seat falls back. Then we see Doyle and Kirby making an agreement about what happens after the robbery. Doyle gets out of the car and Todd sees him putting a gun in the back of his pants. Todd grabs his gun and follows him into the store. Doyle makes his way to Steven who he forces to open a safe but it is empty. Doyle asks where the money is as they walk down towards the cash registers he is stopped by Todd. Kirby the holds a gun to a woman’s head and tells him to put the guns down. Ryan walks over to the car that Jaime is in; as he lets her out he says her dad is right. Jaime goes back into the supermarket to get his job back. Ryan walks back to his van where he sees Kyle who is putting his top back on. They clearly know each other. Ryan gets into his van where his battery then goes flat and he can’t leave.We next see Josh washing his hands, he hears a gunshot. Josh runs and sees that Kirby has shot someone in the head. Kirby then grabs Tina and as he is about to shoot her a Tsunami happens. The supermarket and car park gets flooded. Kyle, Heather and Ryan are trapped in the car park. Everyone is dead. Only Tina, Josh, Doyle, Kyle, Heather, Ryan, Steven, Jaime, Pessup, Kirby, Todd, Naomi and Neil (Nicholas McCallum) are alive. They try to find a way out when Neil is killed by a 12 foot great white shark, everyone starts panicking. We see Kyle and Heather, who are in their car as they see another great white shark. The wires start to spark and if it hit the water it will kill everyone. Steven goes to turn the electricity off when he drowns. The shark in the car park swims around, smashes the window and the car starts filling up with water. Kyle goes through the sun roof and asks Ryan for help. Ryan tells Kyle he will distract the shark so they can swim to his van, which is upside down; Kyle agrees. Ryan cuts off a hand from a dead woman, puts it into the water so Kyle and Heather swim to his van. Just as Kyle is about to get attacked, he lets go of the dog and saves himself. We return to the supermarket they are trying to get out through the vent. Pessup volunteers, as he gets his head through the vent a large group of crabs come out. The crabs alert the shark which jumps out of the water and bites him in half. Kirby gets knocked into the water and Doyle feeds Stevens other half to the shark so he can save Kirby. Back in the car park, Heather is angry with Kyle for killing her dog. Ryan attempts to climb over to the van using the pipes but falls in. Kyle pulls him up onto the van but is knocked into the water, The shark attacks and kills Kyle.Back in the supermarket, they grab hooks and meat to catch the shark. Josh apologies to Tina because he blames himself for what happened to Rory. As they attempt to catch the shark with the meat, it is realized the shark only wants live bait. So Kirby grabs the hook, puts it through Naomi’s shirt and puts her in the water. Doyle doesnt like this, so he stabs him, saves Naomi and uses Kirby as the bait. This move helps them catch the shark. On the way out Jaime hears Ryan banging on the pipes and find Heathers dog is alive. Jaime and Josh go to get them but then they are chased by the second shark. They get on top of Todd’s car; Josh grabs Todd’s Taser and shotgun. Josh jumps into the water and kills the shark with the shotgun. They get back to the store but as they are about to leave, a tremor happens. The tremor causes the shark to get loose. Josh kills this shark with the Taser. Josh, Ryan, Todd, Jaime, Tina, Heather, Heather’s dog, Doyle and Naomi are the survivors. They leave the store, go onto the street and see that the tsunami caused extremely severe damage.The camera follows a bird out to sea where a shark jumps up at the camera.


